Speaking the Language of Stakeholders and Working Better With Product, with Sean O’Neill (ex Amazon, Tesco, GfK)
Sean: Product managers, designers,
and even engineers, we speak a foreign
language, and we forget it all the time.
And we use terms that we created
within our functions, and we
expect everyone else to understand
them in the exact same way we do.
We're working in an agile method.
We're going to do a discovery sprint.
We're going to do some contextual inquiry.
Um, We're going to do some validation.
And we use all these terms.
And sometimes the stakeholders
may even nod their head if
they think, okay, I understand.
I think what agile means, but
they don't know it the same way.
Christian: The discipline of design
is now key to building great products.
More and more companies are making
space for it at the higher levels.
More people than ever
want to become designer.
And most of us who already do the
job wants to find ways to have just a
little bit more impact in our teams.
Welcome to design meets business.
I'm Christian Vasile and on this
podcast, I bring you world class
product and design leaders who found
ways to shape products, companies,
and entire industries, and who are now
sharing what they know with you and me.
My hope is that we all get to learn
from the experiences, ideas, and stories
shared on this podcast and in the process.
Become better designers.
My guest today is Sean O'Neill.
Sean worked at Amazon since its early
days when he was only 2000 employees and
was previously CPO of GFK and a product
director at Tesco amongst other companies.
Sean very recently
became CPTO at Synchron.
Which only became official after
our recording of this podcast.
In our conversation, we discuss how
design can better work with product,
how to speak the language of our
senior stakeholders and what he's
learned about hiring from interviewing
over a thousand people at Amazon.
Get your notebooks out because this
episode is going to teach you a lot.
And with that, I bring you Sean O'Neill.
Sean, I'm so glad I get
to talk to you today.
Welcome to Design Meets Business.
I'm excited to have you on because
talking to design leaders is one
thing but talking to product leaders
can bring different perspective.
And I think we can learn different
things by talking to different people.
So thanks again for being on.
I've always seen product managers as
my best allies in my product teams.
So I hope I'll be able to get
into your mind a little bit today.
You've started in product all the way
back in 99, working on on Amazon's
bread and butter, really back then,
if I'm not mistaken, was books.
And since then you've taken on
some great roles and achieved some
fantastic results with your team.
So if that's okay with you,
if you can give us some of the
cliff notes of your career.
Sean: Sure.
And thank you so much for having me.
I've been really fortunate in my career
to work with some amazing people who have
taught me important lessons at companies
that were at really pivotal points.
of their evolution.
So last 25 years, I spent at
this intersection of commerce,
consumer behavior, data driven
feedback loops, and design.
And I've been managing product
and design teams for technical
products all of this time.
And I think I've got some
interesting points that I may
be able to share along the way.
So starting with Amazon in the early
days, When there were only 2000 employees
worldwide for Amazon, all the way up
through working for Tesco, a huge company
there, all the e commerce apps and
websites around the world, I have worked
for some of the smallest companies.
Two other founders in a garage
working on the new thing as a
startup for consumer loyalty rewards.
And most recently with GFK, a big data
and analytics information services company
that we just successfully exited from a
private equity sale to Advent from KKR.
And I'm delighted to chat with
you today on this podcast.
Christian: It's great to see that you've
been working with big companies and
small companies, and perhaps we can
start by diving a little bit into how
have you seen products act differently.
in different types of companies,
because I assume just like with
design and anything else, really, in
a startup, you behave differently.
You work differently.
The pace is different.
The appetite for risk is different.
How was that at Amazon in the
early days when he was a startup?
How was that at Tesco, which
is clearly not a startup?
And how was that in a garage
with two other funders?
Sean: You've got to bring the right energy
and priority to the challenge at hand.
So in a startup, there
is no three year plan.
There's Thursday's plan.
If you don't get the next investor funding
in, you're not going to make payroll.
And that really does laser focus you
on what is the most important consumer
validation evidence we can get to help
us raise the next round of funding.
And so there's value in the
startup side to really clarify.
You only have so many people, they only
have so much capacity, you better make
sure you're getting the right value out of
where you want them to spend their time.
And so you're not going to spend
time months getting lost in discovery
on some topic for a feature for the
startup where you got to move so fast.
That's going to be very different
even at the early days at Amazon.
The strength of Amazon has always
been a laser focus on the customer
and working backwards from
solving a need for the customer.
Do not get distracted by what
your competition is doing.
Pay attention to the competition, but
don't blindly copy them because so many
times a competitor may launch a feature
that actually is not working, is not
relevant for your users or for customers.
So be careful not to blindly copy them.
And a lot of the Amazon early
days was how fast can we recruit?
Funny enough, they were growing so fast.
We needed to constantly
recruit more people.
And, I've been fortunate to learn
skills that I've carried through to
this day on how to interview people.
I was trained as a bar raiser at Amazon.
Which is a responsibility to help
other teams fill their roles as well.
And I've interviewed over a thousand
people in my career from all job families.
And so it really helps you figure
out how to make sure you're bringing
the right talent in so that you've
got an A class team surrounding
you in all these functions.
Christian: Over a thousand people.
That's amazing.
If I'm not mistaken, this came
from Amazon who, or maybe it was
Apple, could have been Apple.
Now that I think about it, someone
said A people, or is it B people hire
C people hire D people, A people only
hire A people or something like that.
So that could have been Apple,
but it's also not relevant.
Tell us a little bit
about this bar raiser.
What was it exactly and . How
would you describe it?
Sean: Sure.
So the bar raiser concept is every
new hire should be better than
average of the current company.
So with every hire you are
trying to upgrade the average
capabilities of the whole company
So the idea of raising the bar is
every year the bar gets higher to be
qualified to work for the company.
so there's a lot of skills that go through
and Amazon was hiring so many people.
They could approach it as a
science and really use a lot of
rigor and controlled experiments.
For some engineers, they would have
them do online interviews and tasks
without talking to a single person and
make a hiring decision based off it.
And for other people, they
put them through full limps.
They were for others, they would
change what kind of questions they
asked and some mix of practical
and the personal questions.
And then for the people that got hired.
It's a running experiment.
They literally would track how were
those people rated at three months
in, at six months in, at 12 months in.
What was the retention like?
Were there any people that had
performance problems right off the start?
So they really were able to bring a
science and some of the key lessons that
I have used over the years, and I've
written my own training programs for
Tesco and for GFK and others to bring
interview excellence to these teams.
A big thing is beware of asking
theoretical questions only, because lots
of people are great at reading the theory.
They've read the books and they
can articulate, hypothetical,
Oh, this is what I would do.
I would motivate teams and I would
solve user problems and I would test it.
And you're like, Oh, that's great.
Instead look for evidence.
So the way I teach people and train them
for interviewing is I say, imagine You
are a investigative journalist and you
work for the New York Times or Wall Street
Journal and your editor gives you a story.
This candidate claims she's qualified
to work for your company in this role.
Go get the story.
And if you go and you interview
someone and you ask, are you
qualified to be this, lead designer
or head product manager or whatever?
And she says, yes, you can't
go back to your editor to say,
yes, she says she's qualified.
Here's my story.
They project it.
They said, go get the evidence.
So in looking for evidence,
you're trying to find examples.
Where people have actually
used the skills you want.
Give me an example of a time where
you had a difficult stakeholder
and how did you manage that?
Give me an example of a time where
you had a product that was failing.
What'd you do to turn it around?
Give me an example of a time you had
high dissatisfaction with one of your
products or services or features.
What'd you do to solve it?
And you hear how they work
through these problems.
Now, the use with this is they don't even
have to have succeeded in their example.
Maybe they couldn't turn around
a product that was failing.
But what you want to hear is
did they reflect on the problem?
Did they really?
It's backlit in my brain right now.
They look, they didn't actually know
what was going on here, but if they go
off, if they'll claim, Oh, I launched.
Microsoft, Azure, it was all me.
Wow that's pretty big business.
Let's dig into this.
And by digging in with these evidence
questions of what was your role, and
who else was involved, and what kind
of obstacles did you have to overcome,
you're going to pretty quickly figure
out if they have enough detail that they
were really there, or if they really
were just a passenger and had no real
involvement because they can't dig deep.
Looking for evidence.
Christian: This is great.
I remember quite a few interviews
that I've done, quite a few interviews
that I've been in myself where
this question often comes, which is
what was your part in this project?
And we work in product.
There's no such thing as I did everything.
Even if you were the only designer on the
team or the only PM on the team, you might
have asked another designer from another
team for feedback or something like that.
You, you're never the
only one who delivers it.
And I.
There's always been a struggle
to try to get to the bottom of
what did this person actually do.
You're saying looking for evidence,
asking questions, depending on how
they answer you, you can extract
some information from there.
How do you deal with that though, before
an interview, In a portfolio or when you
just apply for a job, cause it's much
easier to do when I have you face to face.
But when I'm just looking at your
portfolio and I know that part
of every single design project
there is stakeholder management.
How do you talk about stakeholder?
How do I talk about the fact that
I've sat in meetings with a lot
of senior stakeholders and I've run
them through pitch decks and whatever
it may be that I've done to convince
them to green light this project.
How do you talk about that?
Sean: There's a couple of different
ways in some, there's some
elements that you just will not
find out without a conversation.
You know, a Lot of these
conversations is also.
Gauging your communication skills.
It's gauging how well do
you simplify something.
Because so many businesses today,
it's all about written communication.
It's all email or it's slack,
and a lot can be lost between the
messages of confusion that leads
to teams going off the rails.
So to some degree, I am also testing for
how strong of a communicator are you.
Are you summarizing the right
headline points or are you diving
into the most granular, deep story?
And as a listener, I'm totally
lost on what mattered most in
this example you're telling me.
So you're testing for
some of those elements.
Some businesses like Amazon, where
they rely on the written word so
much, they will also give people
a small homework assignment.
And I'm trying to remember,
it's been a little.
nine years since I worked at Amazon,
but there was something like, pick
one of these three topics and write
a one pager summarizing them for us.
And one might be if you were going to
pitch a charity that you would like
to start, or another might be I can't
remember what the other ones were.
They might've been like a business
opportunity or something, but
something that you had the
context for and you understood.
And what they're really looking
for is how well do you articulate.
Why something is important, what kind
of evidence you bring, what are you
trying to get as a call to action?
Christian: I like this idea of Amazon
doing interviews as an experiment,
because obviously as part of product
organizations, experimentation is
one of the key tools that we're using
to Reach whatever goals we're trying
to reach and um, it sure sounds like
this was some sort of an A, B, C,
D, E test or something like that.
Sean: Oh many over the
years, many variations.
Christian: That's awesome.
That's great to hear how a good
organization with product at the core
of it implements experimentation not
only as part of the product itself,
but also as part of the company.
They're building the company just
like they're building a product
and that's really cool to see.
That's true.
There's, I read an article that you wrote.
Some time ago about this simple
question that you can ask in an
interview which was a a question
that I'll have to admit personally,
I always hate it and I never asked.
I was very negative towards
it, but I've read your article
and it swayed me a little bit.
Let's talk about this.
Where do you see yourself in
three to five years and why is
that such a key question to ask?
Sean: So this is a question
that I have asked hundreds and
hundreds of times over the years.
First, there is no right or wrong answer.
So as I'm asking somebody,
describe for me your ideal job
three to five years in the future.
And this is a valuable question because
it helps me understand their aspirations.
What is it that they hope to do?
When I ask this question, I always add a
couple factors or parameters for them to
consider because this is their response.
And I'll ask them, does the universe have
a title for this job you want to be doing
three years to five years in the future?
What kind of functional role is it, or
is it some brand new hybrid that you are
passionate about that doesn't yet exist?
Are there any industry sectors you're
deeply passionate about or not?
Are there societal trends?
It's all about circular
economy, perhaps, or not.
Are there any technology trends?
It's all about generative AI or not.
And what's helpful from this.
is it allows me to get a better
sense of the journey someone's on.
It allows me to have a sense
of their direction of travel.
How well does the role we're
talking about right now actually
match to that is useful.
buT it also helps me understand their
potential and where they might want to go.
Some people might want to stay an
individual contributor their whole
career, which is perfectly fine at a lot
of tech and design and product roles.
Others may want to lead larger teams.
That's useful as I think about
an organization over time and
how org designs are organic.
They should be evolving
and changing over time.
Helps me think about how this
person as they grow, develop in
her or his career may evolve.
Christian: So to play back, it's not
necessarily that you're asking because
you want to know where they'll be in
five years, because that's probably
not necessarily accurate anyway.
It's more to hear the sort of journey
that they see themselves being on.
Sean: Yes.
Especially for a lot of technical roles.
It's sometimes it's hard to find
people who want to be managers versus
want to be individual contributors.
So that helps me get a sense,
do they ultimately want to be?
Maybe they want to run their own
small design firm someday and they
want to be a general manager of it.
They may need some exposure to profit
and loss and financial statements and
may need to manage more than one or
two people if they're going to have
that kind of larger responsibility.
So it helps me keep context.
Christian: And as someone who's being
asked this question, what's your advice?
Like, how would you,
how do you answer this?
Sean: Always answer honestly.
This is your And this is
your future and your focus.
Especially in larger firms, Amazon
many times, there are a hundred other
jobs that were open at the same time.
And so sometimes somebody was the right
candidate interviewing for the wrong role,
but fortunately the right role was open.
They just didn't know about
it or hadn't found that yet.
Christian: would you say that you gave
an example earlier about someone who
might want to open up their design
studio a few years down the line.
If I now apply for this job
and I get asked this question.
Considering that my goal is not
necessarily aligned with the
goal of the company that I'm
interviewing for, should I say that?
Or should I say, you know, well, perhaps
in the future, I'd like to lead a team
or should I align my goal with the goal
the company has at that point in time?
Or should I just straightforward
say, do you know what?
Five years down the line, I see
myself running my own design studio.
Sean: Five years is a long time.
That's why it's a useful question.
And for most people, it is one or two job
roles from today, And it also depends on,
frankly, the experience and maturity of
the person doing the interview, because if
they think, oh, I only want people who are
going to be here five years from now the
reality is your natural churn, probably
10 percent anyways, across the team And
so that's an unrealistic expectation.
Christian: Hey, that's good advice.
Read the room.
Learn to read the room.
And the only way you can learn to read
the room is to do a lot of interviews.
Let's uh, change gears a little bit
and talk about the major subject
that I brought you here for.
And I thought I was so excited to
talk to you about this, which is the
relationship between design and product.
And this is like opening a can of worms.
There are a million questions I could ask
you here, but let's start from a couple
of examples, maybe one example that you've
seen in your career a good example of a
relationship between design and product.
Can you Can Talk us through
how that looks like.
Sean: So going back when I was still an
individual contributor, product manager.
So early on at Amazon, I had a number
of different roles across Amazon.
And at one point I was working on
all of the feedback and reputation
systems for the seller platform.
So the global product of.
ratings for the sellers, and we needed to
overhaul it because historically Amazon
had copied eBay's system of feedback
rating because the product ratings of
five stars already existed for Amazon.
Fortunately, Amazon kept the star
rating for rate your seller and your
shopping experience with the seller
and fulfillment, but the rest of
it was based on eBay system where
it was a lifetime feedback rating.
And buyer rates seller and seller
rates buyer because on eBay you
had to pay for your transaction.
So there are all these quirks to it that
made sense when Amazon first copied it.
Five years later, after Marketplace
had evolved into a very different
fixed price business for Amazon, the
same feedback system was still in
place and it wasn't fit for purpose.
So I had to redesign it and had a
great designer that worked with me
that I learned a lot from, but we
had to think about how do we help
people make better product decisions?
How do we help a purchase decision?
So how do we help a buyer?
Gravitate towards sellers.
At this time, it was a lot of booksellers
and music and DVD electronics.
And as the price of the electronics
items, we were moving into higher
categories the risk of a poor
choice is higher for a shopper.
So how do we help use the
feedback to steer people?
Because some of the sellers who
has started five years earlier with
Amazon and we're still selling.
Some of them were fantastic, but some
of them, the last year or two had been
horrible feedback for the purchases.
so if they had a lot of negative
feedback over the last year, but
four years of positive feedback, they
still could be a four star seller.
And so as a buyer, You had no idea
this four star seller was about to
give you a really bad experience.
So we had to change.
How do we show recency?
We also needed to eliminate the
whole buyer rate seller because some
sellers were badgering buyers and to
give them good feedback, I'll leave
negative feedback on you if you don't.
The reality is the feedback
on the buyer meant nothing.
It changed nothing.
But, there was this weird threat
that sellers would make the buyer.
So we had to really fix the experience.
And we also needed sellers to want to
improve their more recent experience.
And if they have defects to fix them.
So with a great designer working with
me on this, we were able to do lots of
research on buyers, research on sellers.
And ultimately came up with an
improved way of showing what was
a seller's performance over the
last 90 days of the last 180 days.
of the last year and over lifetime,
and we changed the default
feedback to be your last 365 days.
So that's a better representation,
including a peak Christmas period of what
kind of experience someone's going to get.
And so this really helped a long way.
The other challenge we had was most
feedback rate, or if you think about
a five star rating for movies, people
assume there's a normal distribution.
And that a four star movie
is still a pretty good movie
compared to a five star movie.
On feedback at the time, it was
actually a U distribution where 80
percent of people would leave fives.
And people who are unhappy, 20
percent would leave ones, and that's
a four star seller, which meant 20
percent of people were disappointed.
So most people don't expect that.
So they think a four star seller or 3.
8, they're great still.
Actually they aren't.
And so we needed to change that a bit.
And with the help of the designer,
we didn't want to change the
metaphor of the five stars that
had a lot of currency with people.
They understood how to rate
one to five, but we needed to
change how they interpreted it.
And so with our designer, we ended up
creating the one to five stars into
a four or five or a positive rating.
A three is a neutral and or one
or two is a negative rating.
And so then we could say, what
percentage positive did this seller have?
And that became one of the primary
elements that our designer put on
an offer listing page where you
would see all of these listings.
That number is more prominent.
And so this allowed a lot of
sellers to suddenly say, Oh, I've
been slacking on my performance.
I better clean this up or I'm
not going to get more sales.
And so it drove the right behaviors.
The good design drove the right behaviors.
Buyers wanting to prefer to go from
higher quality sellers, or if there's a
seller selling that product 10 cheaper,
and they are a three and a half star
seller, but you read their feedback.
Late shipping.
It arrived, but it was late.
You might actually be okay with that.
And then as a buyer , you're fully
informed to say, I expect it to show up.
I'm willing for it to take longer and
I'll take 10 less off the price to do it.
That could still be a good shopping
experience because you were informed.
Christian: And on a daily basis, how did
designing product for this project work?
Did you do the research together?
Did you, where did the goals come from?
Was there any negotiation there between,
what's possible and what's feasible
or what do we do in V1 versus V2?
General conversations that
we have nowadays quite a lot.
How did that look on a daily basis?
Sean: On a daily basis we
did the research together.
A very talented designer who
most importantly knew how
to design for testability.
And this is a trait that I sometimes see
lacking from some designers these days,
where they're given a brief and they
come up with their design, one design.
This is the answer.
As opposed to Amazon early on,
designers knew that it's a hypothesis.
We think we have one
approach to solve this.
Let's come up with two
or three alternates.
And let's have some alternate
design views that we can look at.
And in some cases, there was times we
were testing the buy box, for instance.
And we were testing different call to
actions , different primary colors of
the button, different background colors
of the background where the button,
because that buy box is the most high
value real estate on the entire page.
That is the primary call to action is when
it's the right product, push that button.
And so those kinds of tests, our designers
would automatically have two or three
different variables that you could do a
multivariate test on to come up with nine.
Christian: I like that idea of
coming up with more than one design
in your design phase and then
testing it against each other.
I think that there's a tendency today to,
even if you do take feedback from a lot
of stakeholders, then you go and work and
you come back with one because , I guess
that feels like we've solved the problem.
This is the way, this is our
way of solving the problem.
But I do like that idea of coming
up with a few alternates and then
testing them against each other.
And when it comes to testing, I think
this is really key, it's probably very
important to figure out before you test,
what are you testing for and how are
you going to compare these at the end?
Are they going to be compared on
what participants feel about them?
Is it conversion?
Is it, what is it going to be?
How do you come up with?
Those goals to make sure that however
you compare them, it's unfair and
accurate representation of how perhaps
that's going to behave in production.
Sean: So some of the tests are more
obvious what the goals would be.
So I worked on search quite a lot.
And so there you're going to have,
what is the search query conversion?
What's the basket per query?
What's the units per
session, revenue per session.
So there's a couple of obvious.
Goals that have very clear
commercial impact on it and
also customer friction goals.
So for instance, in search for people who
might be familiar, sometimes you have a
relevance ranking problem where the right
product is returned in search results,
but it's on page three, not page one.
And not everyone does paginate, but
those users who paginate to page three,
how many people are adding the item from
page three versus what's on page one.
So looking at signals like that, you
can test improved algorithms that
may actually improve the relevance so
that you will have a goal of more of
the products added are found on page
one versus page two or page three.
So there are times where you also can
test for user friction and usability.
In other cases, it
might not be so obvious.
What is the right this definitive outcome,
like on the reputation one, you could
choose to buy from someone with a slightly
worse reputation for a cheaper price.
It's not obvious to us what that behavior
should be, but what we were looking at
is how many people looked at a bunch
of sellers and then bought from zero.
So we're definitely trying to
look at conversion of people
getting to an offer listing page.
Cause that's the moment of truth where
you, you know, if you go to back in
the day when we sold lots of physical
books, you're looking at a whole list
of 25 people are selling Harry Potter.
Did you buy from any of them?
Which one did you buy from?
Christian: And I always encourage
designers whenever they do test different
alternatives against each other to
use their cross functional partners,
mostly product managers to figure out
what these metrics should be, because
as designers , we're not always.
aware of some of these metrics.
We're not always in tune with the
business as much as we should be.
And I always say just go and
talk to your PM partners.
They should know that's their job.
Would you say that's accurate?
Would you say that's the right advice?
Sean: It is absolutely the
product manager's job to know what
outcomes are we trying to affect?
Why is this item even prioritized?
It is the product manager's job.
Christian: Since we've gone there,
for designers who've not worked
with PMs before, And they now enter
perhaps a bigger company and then
suddenly they find themselves part of
a squad where there's PMs and analysts
and QA and whatever it may be, and
they have no idea what a PM does.
What does a PM do?
Sean: So a product manager, so I should
also caveat different companies use
different titles for the exact same job.
Product owner, product
manager, other companies.
Have totally different
jobs with the same title.
So it can be a little
bit confusing at times.
I'm coming from the Amazon approach and
I, we implemented this at Tesco and at
GfK, where there is no split between
product manager and product owner.
It's all one job family.
And the job of the product manager
is to be the bridge between
customer and business needs with
technological possibilities.
And bringing those two things together
and fundamentally the product owner
or product manager's job is to deliver
meaningful value for customers and
for the business through the design
process and the engineering process
and the data science process.
And how do we coordinate all of those
teams to be able to work together to
something that matters to the business.
Christian: I always define
it as a three legged stool,
technology, product and design.
It's you can launch a product
with just two of them.
But it's probably not going to be as
good because if you have just design and
technology, you might not always be aware
of where the best opportunities are.
You might not always be aware.
You might not always have
the pulse of the customer.
If he's just the technology and
product, then if design is not
there, it might not look good.
You might not.
Implement the actual correct or
the right or the best solution
for that specific problem.
So for me, the three, and I always
use this word partners, technology,
product and design are partners.
And you've described starting with
this situation at Amazon or this
project at Amazon, what a good PM.
and design relationship looks like.
and I hope that people who are listening
find themselves in one of these.
But the reality is that not everyone
does and the relationship between
PMs and design is not always so rosy.
What are some of the usual complaints
or challenges that product faces
when they deal with design?
Sean: The difficult part of the
role for both product managers and
designers is that everyone else in the
business thinks they can do those jobs.
That's sort of a funny situation,
but everyone thinks they
could design an interface.
I'll tell you exactly.
Christian: Give me one second.
Give me one second.
Are you saying that not
everyone can design something?
Is that what you're saying?
Sean: Well, anyone, Anyone
could put pixels on a page.
It might be a train wreck, right?
And everyone in the business has an
idea of what the product should be too.
sometimes strongly held.
But for the engineering or data science
leg of the stool, most people in the
business may at least recognize, Hey,
I can't write code or I can't write
an algorithm and they'll show some
deference and respect for those jobs,
but they'll have no problem telling the
product manager, the designer exactly
what they think it should look like.
And that's a pain point in these roles.
Sounds very familiar.
Yes, it probably does sound familiar.
anD that also gets to what you and I,
when we were chatting before about having
this podcast conversation is what does it
take for design and for product to gain
more respect from the executive suite?
You know, the real challenge here
is product managers, designers, and
even engineers, we speak a foreign
language and we forget it all the time.
And we use terms that we created
within our functions and we expect
everyone else to understand them
in the exact same way we do.
We're working in an agile method.
We're going to do a discovery sprint.
We're going to do some contextual inquiry.
Um, We are going to do some validation
and we use all these terms and sometimes
the stakeholders may even nod their
head if they think, okay, I understand.
I think what agile means, but
they don't know it the same way.
And it creates these gaps
between expectation and
delivery, especially on time.
It can also create gaps where we
say, oh, we're going to be launching.
Some new feature that will
allow our clients to do planning
or pricing or promotions.
And we think we're delivering the 0.
1 version that's barely functional,
but is a proof of concept.
But on the stakeholder side, they
think it's all singing, all dancing.
And they're surprised and shocked.
when they see a version 0.
1 actually launch.
this is a big way that designers and
product managers can start building
more credibility is to understand
the language of their stakeholders.
And most stakeholders are not
talking about user friction.
They're not talking about of the site.
They're not talking about sometimes
how many sessions they have.
But they are thinking in
terms of active users.
They are thinking in terms of revenue.
They are thinking in terms of
cash flow, because that's what
they have to talk to the board
about and to the investors about.
So what's fundamental to build
credibility with these stakeholders
is to understand and talk about how
your work connects to outcomes the
rest of the business cares about.
And that will go a huge way
to building credibility.
Christian: we should spend more time
here because this is super valuable.
How do you then, as an individual
contributor, someone who perhaps
doesn't even have that much access to
the senior stakeholders, you're just
on the ground, boots on the ground,
doing the work, whatever, building
components in Figma or fixing bugs,
visual bugs, whatever it may be, right?
That, that work on a daily basis,
how do you then take that and
link it to these lofty words?
What's our revenue and what's our
MRR and just these things that our
senior stakeholders care about.
Sean: The first step is, do you know
what senior stakeholders care about?
Because in the all hands, they're
almost certainly talking about the top
objectives for the business and you
should take note of what are the most
important goals that the company is
tracking and how are we doing on it?
With GFK, we had revenue targets, we had
EBITDA cash flow targets but for some
of our key flagship products, we also
had an active user base target that we
wanted to grow and we had a specific
target around what percentage of active
users were senior decision makers.
We're a business to business company,
and we wanted to make sure that we also
were generating value as evidenced by
repeated use from more senior decision
makers, a chief marketing officer, a
managing director, a general manager of a
business unit, a vice president, examples.
So by tracking all these elements,
it helped our design team when
they were talking about product and
design, what should we prioritize?
Which of these goals is
this going to even move?
Our hypothesis on it.
you know, because you knew
you had this challenge of any
business to business application.
The more complicated it becomes, the
less likely a more senior decision maker
is going to use the tool on a regular
basis, because it becomes harder and
harder for them to dip in as a casual
user and get the answers they need.
The more, if it looks like a
Boeing, Airbus flight deck,
then they're not going to try.
They're not going to wade into it.
They'll just delegate.
Hey, tell me what that means.
And so that was an important
element for us to justify
keeping simplicity into design.
So one of our design principles
was enterprise grade insights
with consumer grade usability.
And by repeating that all the time
with our commercial teams and our
design teams and product and tech.
It allowed them to say we're doing
this piece of work to simplify or
refactor our navigation in order
to make sure some of these new
valuable capabilities have better
discoverability for the user in the tool.
It gave us the focus of why we're
doing the bit of work because it
laddered up to a goal we cared about.
Christian: I think that's a great example
of rehauling visually the navigation.
I've worked on plenty of products where I
thought this looks crap, it doesn't work.
Let's rehaul it.
Which is quite a big piece of
work sometimes, not only for
design, but also engineering.
And unless you are able to link that
to something that someone higher
up cares about, it's going to be
a very hard sell for you to make.
So how do you push for some ideas
that perhaps, are going to make
a difference, but you don't have
any evidence that they will.
an example is this navigation, right?
I can look at navigation.
I can say, I've seen a lot of people in
usability testing being confused by it.
And one of our features is not
being very visible because of this.
And I know that if we change
the navigation, we'll be able to
highlight another feature much
more, but I have no proof of that.
How do I go about pushing for that
feature or that, that redesign?
Sean: So let me answer this in two ways.
The first one is when
you have no proof for it.
And the second answer is how
do you find proof for it?
So it's difficult when you have no
proof, but this is about also thinking
of what do stakeholders care about?
They understand that time is money.
how much effort you go into it is
a function of how confident are we
that this is worthy of working on.
So at GFK, we start a lot of
times with paper prototypes.
We're not doing high res, high
fidelity, mockups of elements
when we don't even know if it's a
real problem customers care about.
We'll do paper prototypes and interviews.
Hey, what about this?
Do you think this would improve it?
What if we did it this way?
And then we might go, because we're a
data and insights business, then we might
go to a functional data prototype and we
don't have a fancy, nice mockup of the
interface, we use Google Studio, and we'll
just load a data file in of real data,
and we'll just do a very basic outline.
It looks like Excel in Google Data
Studio, but it allows a real user to go
through a real use case with genuine data.
And would this help you make an
answer of what product you wanted
to put on promotion and by how
much to have the greatest value
or creativeness on your promotion?
So that's still making it
pretty cheap to be wrong.
One of my design principles
is make it cheap to be wrong.
And how do we make sure that we are
putting our appropriate amount of resource
investment into solving a problem based on
how confident we are we know the answer.
And over time as you get
more and more confident.
Then you get to, let's start developing
real code for this, or let's have a data
scientist build a real model, or let's
start building higher fidelity prototypes
of what it really might look like.
But it all is time is money, and you're
really trying to balance those things out.
Now let me answer the second half
of this, how can you get the
data to help you understand if the
features are being found or not?
Because this is a real important
problem for any B2B product,
especially even consumer subscription
products, where over time.
More and more features are
being added to the product.
And you really only have a very lagged
indicator of subscription renewals.
How many new subscriptions come in?
How many cancellations do you have?
And what's the renewal
rate on top of those?
And there might be 20, 30, 40 features or
more that are in this subscription bundle.
So how do you know if your
feature made a difference?
This is a real problem
we were trying to solve.
uh, JFK, we're using amplitude.
And they have a bunch of features that
have made it very easy for us to track
what's the awareness, what's the trial,
and what's the repeat of your feature.
And so for all new features rolling out
that were of a major release, I'd require
the product and design team to tell me,
give me your estimate, what percentage
of active subscribers eligible for this
product, or this feature, because they
already have the main subscription, what
percentage of active users will try your
product in the first four weeks and of
those users, what percentage of them
will repeat within four weeks after that?
And if you have 30 percent of
users try it and 2 percent of users
repeat we've got a value problem.
We've got a real issue because
they're not getting enough value.
And this is actually a super important
measurement tool for the commercial teams
because before at times the commercial
teams sometimes are beating the feature
drama, keep going to the next feature.
Our goal is not to launch features.
Our goal is to launch features,
clients value so much they will pay
for them and they will renew them.
And if you've got this example where
40, 30 percent tried it, 2 percent
renew or repeated, even commercial
is going to agree, Oh my God,
that's not generating enough value.
We're not done.
We need to iterate more.
And it helps justify time in the
sprint planning of, Hey, we're not
going to get to that next feature
that was queued up because we still
have more investment we need to make
in this one to get the value up.
Now, on the other side, if let's say
you have 2 percent of active users
try it, but 80 percent of them repeat.
That's an easier problem to solve.
That's an awareness problem.
So maybe you do have a discoverability
challenge in the navigation.
Maybe you do have some marketing needs,
or maybe you need some other way to
call attention and awareness to it.
In which case back to our
navigation overhaul, why are we
going to refactor navigation?
We've got some high value features that
are not getting enough discoverability and
they're not getting repeated usage enough.
And we're going to solve it this way.
Christian: I really like this
idea of these two targets
that you were talking about.
One of them shows you everything
around awareness and the other one
shows you anything around usefulness.
Are people aware of it and are they
using it often enough or repeatedly
enough that it proves that it's valuable?
I assume that these targets that you gave,
30%, whatever it may be are hypothetical.
But the question that I have is, do
you set any goals or any targets for
these features ahead of launching them?
Or is it more of a, let's just
launch it and see how it does.
Or do you say ahead of time, look,
if this doesn't have a 50 percent
repeat every four weeks, then it's not
worth investing more money into, or.
How do you deal with that part of putting
metrics on new features or new updates?
Sean: So that's, it's
an important question.
So we needed the estimates
before it launched.
And when we first started doing
this, I let the product managers
give me their estimates and I didn't
care if they were wildly wrong.
I wanted us to start with an assumption
and then let's learn and calibrate
of how it played out and over time we
would begin to see, depending on the
significance of the feature, depending
on how high it is in the navigation,
depending on how many users it might be
eligible for, you could start to see,
well I think 40 or 50 percent of users
should try it in the first four weeks.
And you need to get her a repeat
rate of at least 30 or 40 percent
in order to be demonstrating value.
Smaller features, I wouldn't expect
the same awareness, but I would
expect some repeat from that.
the second part of your question is
actually really interesting here,
because it gets to my overall point
on, are you delivering business value?
And too many teams, this
is not a design problem.
It's really more a product
management problem.
Are we over investing on the value
of what feature or proposition
we're trying to create here?
And if you go to two extremes, let's
say you've got some big subscription
proposition, and you've got a small
feature you want to add, to it.
And if that took an entire single
week to do across developers,
yeah, we should knock that out.
If that was going to take two full years
of three full squads to deliver some small
feature, You'd say, okay, that's wasteful.
That's not worth it.
The problem is we don't have
any real judgment in between.
But this is what your chief
financial officer cares about.
Your CEO, are you spending our precious
development design and product capacity
to work on the most important things?
And this is where speaking the language
of your stakeholders comes a long way.
If you can start to understand
where's the right balance, given
the potential impact or hypothesis
of how much value this might add.
If this is a major new proposition and
it's going to solve the biggest pain
point for your most important customer
segment, and that's going to change
your ability to sell into the whole
sector, then it might be worth six months
or 12 months of whole squad work on.
But if it's not, don't just blindly
ply on another quarter and another
quarter and another quarter.
We need to timebox.
some point, we need to say based
on how big the value is, this
is going to be good enough.
And I think that sometimes is a
challenge I've seen in some design
teams because they can be so passionate
about perfect design and the perfect
user experience that sometimes they
lack the judgment for what is the
development investment to get there.
And is that really the
most important thing?
Or are we better off saying?
This is good enough for us as a whole
squad to work on it for three weeks
or four weeks, and then get to the
next high value item in the backlog.
Christian: Something that I've learned is
that oftentimes you can use your engineers
help push back a little bit, because
you might design this perfect feature.
You might think it looks great.
The experience is amazing.
And then.
If you have an honest conversation
and a good relationship to your
engineers, they will have the courage
to say, we can make it like this.
If everything here is non negotiable,
fine, but we could spare, I
don't know, four days of work.
If you just let me change this copy,
instead of it being automatic to
something that's generic, and then
you can make that trade off of how
much does it really matter that is.
Personalized to you that specific piece of
copy versus that is something generalized.
And can we make that trade
off of, you know what, make it
generalized, spare four days of work.
But I think that sometimes as designers
and perhaps even as product people, we
don't really understand that trade off
before we talk to technology, before
they tell us what the trade off could be.
So that's why I said
the three legged stool.
And I find that relationship between
the three parts of a product team to be
very important because you can actually.
optimize and adjust each other's
expectations using The other
function skills in a way, right?
Because I, as a designer, don't know how
much it takes to code this necessarily.
Sean: Exactly.
And in fact, that exact example came
up in the early days when we were
building our GFK Neuron new platform.
We had lots of teams running in
parallel and the challenge was
some teams were designing the
interface and the engagement.
in a way that was not consistent
with other pages that a
user would be traversing.
And to make it worse, a lot of
this is data visualizations.
And early on, we were using
high charts as one of our
libraries for the visualization.
And this was also a product
manager's problem on my team.
Product manager and the designer came
up with a design that was beautiful
for the exact use case they wanted.
It was going to take six weeks of
development time versus it would have
taken a week had they accepted the high
chart default library out of the box.
So it's not just save four days.
It was say five weeks, right?
And they were insistent that they
wanted it their way, but they also
didn't have enough perspective of
what are all the other pages, the same
user is going to be interacting with.
And this is where.
This was early on for us to have
some maturity around a digital
design system that was more
consistent in the interaction modules
Christian: I think that negotiation
process comes in here as well.
Again, if you have a good relationship
with your cross functional partners,
because yeah, all details matter
and in an ideal world, we would
want the experience to be perfect.
But the fact of the matter is that.
There's only so much we have time for.
There's only so much investment
in terms of engineering hours.
We have this sprint or this
quarter, whatever it may be.
There's also space there.
And I always encourage people to
negotiate and say, do you know what,
if you can spare four days of work
doing this, just do it like this in V1.
Could we then next sprint if or perhaps
a couple of months from now when we've
launched this feature and we see that
there is some potential in it, could
we then keep these other things that
we haven't had time to invest in now?
Because perhaps the certainty,
the confidence for this feature
wasn't there necessarily.
Now that we have more confidence,
can we go back to some of those
details that we've left aside?
And then, so it's just because
you're negotiating the for an MVP or
for a version one, it doesn't mean
it's out of the window and you're
never going to be able to go back.
It is truly just a negotiation
process of what can we do now?
And what can we do later when we have
a bit more confidence that this feature
or whatever it is makes a difference.
Sean: I agree.
Christian: So you said something
earlier that I took a note here,
and it's certainly something that
I think it's worth repeating and
talking a little bit more about.
You said, make it cheap to be wrong.
I think that mentality and that approach
would save so much headaches for people.
Dive a little bit deeper into
make it cheap to be wrong.
What does that mean and
why is that important?
Sean: Oh, it is uh, so I've got on
my LinkedIn profile, which I think
we'll link to in the show notes here.
I've got 10 development principles
that I've come to value over the years.
And they're designed to help teams
make better decisions in place,
not wait for some escalation.
And make it cheap to
be wrong is important.
It is not fail fast because.
We are open to failure,
but we don't want to fail.
Especially if you're in a business
to business environment, your
clients do not want you to fail.
I assure you make it cheap to be wrong
means most decisions are reversible.
And it's not a one way door, it's a
two way door in a lot of these things.
And how do you test things
in a lightweight way?
And there's a couple product
development and design tools I've
used over the years that help.
One is working backwards.
The Amazon method, writing a press release
is a really cheap way to make it wrong.
Because all you do is write a Word doc.
It takes you, it's one page,
take you 20 minutes to write up.
What's this concept, this proposition?
Why is it so valuable that you're
solving such an important pain point?
for some of your key customers, And then
as you iterate on these Word docs, you
get lots of internal and external feedback
from these future press releases that
make the idea better and stronger because
people will come up with rebuttals.
And so you keep a frequently asked
questions list as part of this
Word doc, and you just keep adding,
even if you don't know the answer.
Someone asked what happens
uh, some edge case.
Don't know.
We'll figure it out.
And then over time, you'll come
back and you'll answer those facts.
And you've got a more robust
concept of this is a real problem.
If we solve this problem for our clients,
they will love us because we are 10 X
better than anything else in the market.
Then there's a second tool I use
a lot for, cheap to be wrong.
How do you communicate to other
stakeholders this future world
you're trying to talk about?
So the press release is good, it's
cheap because it is just a Word doc.
But sometimes you want to
give people more of a feel.
And so I use Storyboard.
So this is where I'm working
with design, graphic artists.
I want to tell a day in
the life of my customer.
And so I will have a four panel or six
panel day in the life of a customer in
the course of their life, some key pain
they've got, and how our proposition's
the hero in that moment of need for them
that solves all their problems in such an
effortless way that they love us for it.
And I've used these storyboards, it's
just like a movie panel, and I've used
them with Jeff Bezos to talk about Amazon
mobile payments and how Amazon can help
people through their daily life use their
Amazon wallet in the physical world.
I've used these with boards of directors
and other non technical stakeholders
Because you're not getting into any
of the feasibility or technical spec.
It's not how we're going to solve this.
It's for who and why, and that can
go a long way of getting the buy
in of how you are going to take the
friction out of somebody's world.
in such an important way that
they will pay you for it.
Then, two other tools I'll
just mention real quickly.
As you're making it cheap to be wrong,
you're trying to get as much validation
of your riskiest hypotheses before you get
to the most expensive part of building a
product, which is building the full code
base, that development, that deployment,
and all those things that are much
more expensive to fix after the fact.
You're trying to go through
this validation cycle.
And that's where paper prototypes can
go a long way with users trying to
figure out through our interviews.
Data prototypes also can be a
very cheap way to be wrong because
you're not writing real code.
You are not building high fidelity
interfaces and spending a lot of time
making it glossy and pixel perfect.
Instead, you're trying to figure
out, has this solved a pain point?
So those are a couple of different
options to make it cheap to be wrong.
Christian: That's awesome.
Thank you.
And we will definitely link to your.
10 principles and I'm sure there
are many more learnings there.
We're nearing the end of the episode,
but I do have a couple of more questions.
Since you are a product executive and you
have worked in a lot of companies, I'm
sure you have also worked in companies
where design is not a function of its own.
But design is under product.
And I know there are a lot of
opinionated people out there
who will say, no, this is a sin.
It shouldn't happen.
There are also a lot of people who
think, no, this makes a lot of sense.
I uh, would like to spend a couple
of minutes talking about design
reporting into product and why
sometimes that's a good thing.
And why sometimes perhaps design
should be its own division or
its own part of the company.
Sean: Another very important question.
And I know.
For tons of designers that I've
known and worked with over the years,
there's always this aspiration of
how do I get to the executive level?
And organizational design is a really,
it's a secret superpower to understand how
to create organizations, to bring people
together, to allow them to accomplish
important things for the business.
And everyone wants a
seat at the top table.
But you then have to ask, how many
seats are there at the top table?
And at what point does
there become so many seats?
That you've split your responsibility so
far, so you could have a chief marketing
officer, a chief design officer, a
chief customer officer, a chief product
officer, a chief product marketing
officer, a chief sales officer, a chief
revenue officer, a chief information
officer, a chief digital officer.
Who owns what with the proposition
and the customer experience,
and if a big initiative fails,
who's responsible for it?
So at some point there is a challenge
from an organization and an executive
perspective of how effective are
you as a decision-making body
solve these problems for your
customers and for your shareholder?
Most of my career I have managed
design as part of my organization
and I love design, but.
In different organizations, there
have been vice presidents of
design and others they've been
at a head of or director level.
And an organization is an answer
to a business need, just like a
product is there to serve a need.
Organizations are products as well.
In fact, as a sidebar, most people
think an organization is fixed
and they just got to make the best
use of the can instead of asking.
Like an archaeologist, what
was the business question
that led to this organization?
And oftentimes it'll tell you
some teams weren't talking.
So then they made one report into the
other and now all of a sudden they're
all coordinated in line because that does
go a long way to bring alignment up the
executive champion path for initiatives.
And product and design are
super close initiatives.
They're super close functions in terms
of how do we bring distinct skill
sets, but a similar goal to make a
brilliant proposition and solve needs
for users through some combination
of service and interfaces and
information to make a winning business.
I'll stop there to see if you
have other questions on that.
Christian: I think this is good
and I wanted to touch upon this
because I think this conversation
can oftentimes get heated.
And the reason that happens is because
people don't necessarily have an
understanding of why organizations
are the way they are sometimes.
It's not a matter of design not
mattering or design is not important or
product is more important than design.
So I thought your take on this, which
we've talked briefly about just before
we started the recording was interesting.
I haven't heard that before, so I thought
it was important to put it out there.
But Sean, let's bring this one home.
I have two more questions
we ask uh, at your eye.
I only say we, but I, it's just me.
So I asked the same questions at
the end of the episode each season,
there are two different questions.
The two for this time, and I'm going to
ask one at a time is What is one action
that you think led to your success
that separated you from your peers?
Sean: I don't think I've
separated from my peers.
I think I worked with some amazing peers,
but I will say what's one action that's
helped me be successful in my career.
And early on at Amazon, I was
fortunate that I got to work
on search and search results.
And because it opened my eyes to
the world of A B testing at scale.
And it really helped me think about most
digital problems over the last 20 years.
At their heart are a search and relevance
problems, personalization, targeting,
all these elements people are finding to
do at some point is about an information
retrieval, relevance, ranking problem.
So, That mindset has helped me a lot.
In fact, a funny thing, my, the first
A B tests I ran for Amazon, I was
running them on the book search page.
And at that point, book search
was 70 percent of Amazon's
revenue, just the search results.
in the books category.
So this is huge for the business,
publicly traded at that point in 1999.
And I was optimizing
the results of the page.
The page constraint I had, everything
on the page had to be 60 kilobytes
or less, not megabytes, 60 kilobytes.
And it was fascinating to do
variations to trade off bigger
books, images, smaller books.
Did I want the five star rating?
If I make it a GIF, that actually
is more page weight, and that
means I need fewer results.
Am I better off having more results for
more items to be on page one, or fewer
results with bigger images and the rating?
So, Fascinating problem.
Christian: Very interesting.
I can imagine working
with that constraint.
Sounds like it was very fun to make all
these different trade offs and figure out
which one works best for the business.
That's awesome.
Sean: At that time, the biggest
bandwidth, the biggest constraint
was bandwidth to people's computers.
It was dial up.
Of course.
I'm dating myself there, but.
Christian: Yeah.
Thank you for that.
That little story there.
Second question is, what are we
not talking about when it comes
to design?
Sean: think the design industry is
not talking about enough, but you
heard it for probably 80 percent
of our call today, business impact.
We're not talking enough about is the
time spent matching the potential impact
and really just thinking about when
is good enough on a design and move on
to the next thing that has potentially
more impact customers for the business.
So that's probably my
strongest recommendation.
Understand as a designer, what
does your business care about most?
What do your stakeholders care about most?
And then ask, how do I
relate my work to it?
And you may have to talk to your boss,
or you may have to talk to some of
the product leads or commercial leads.
But the sooner you figure out how
your work links, the better decisions
you're going to make, and the more
stakeholder buy in you will get, which
leads to you being more credible.
Christian: It's a great place to
end on , thank you so much for
being part of the podcast today.
Any last words on where people can
find you, where they can follow
you, where they can read what
you're writing, anything like that?
Sean: You can find me on LinkedIn.
I post every now and then when I
find time to write up something
but yeah, reach out to me there.
Christian: Amazing.
Sean, again, thank you very much for being
part of the Design Meets Business journey.
This has been an absolute pleasure.
Sean: Thank you for having me.
Christian: If you've
listened this far, thank you.
I appreciate you and I hope you've
learned something that makes you just
a little bit better than yesterday.
You can check out the show
notes on designmeetsbusiness.
co If this has taught you anything,
please consider leaving a review
and sharing the episode with someone
else who could learn from it.
And I'll catch you in the next one.