Megan Dell of 99designs on UX Research and Designing for a Global Audience
Christian: Welcome to design meets
business, a show where design leaders talk
about practical ways to quantify design
about making our work more transparent,
and about how designers can make a
bigger impact in their organization.
I'm your host, Christian Vasile,
and before we begin, I'd like to
thank you for tuning in today.
Today, I'm chatting with Megan Dell,
Director of Design at 99designs.
It's a good conversation about the work
she is doing behind the scenes as a
design leader, the challenges of creating
products for a global audience and how
her fitness journey has helped her career.
Thank you so much for being part of
the design meets business journey.
You are a director of
design at 99 designs.
A household name in the design
world has been for many years.
So I'm looking forward to today's
chat, uh, before we begin, just so
everyone knows who we're talking to.
Can you give us a bit of a, an
introduction, how you ended up
becoming a designer and how was
that journey that you've been on?
Megan: Yeah, absolutely.
And hi everyone.
And thanks for having me.
Um, look, to be honest, I studied
graphic arts and I always wanted
to be a designer, but I could never
get a job as a graphic designer.
And so after getting so many rejections,
I ended up applying for a role in call
center thinking that I would just take
that for six months and, um, actually,
uh, found my way through the company,
uh, into replying to customer emails.
And then.
I'm doing some work on the website.
This is about 20 years ago.
So no one cared about the internet and
kind of found myself doing user experience
design without even knowing it and kind
of stumbled into it through that way.
And over the course of the years have kind
of carved a bit more of a career through
that journey, worked in agencies, focusing
on mobile apps and things like that.
Um, well, do I sorry to yeah.
Where I am today, uh, at 99 designs and
I've been here for the last six years.
Christian: Yeah, that's quite a
while in, in today's tech world.
Let's call it.
Everyone just jumps after
a year or two though.
Megan: I know, I thought two years was
my limit, but 99 has, um, yeah, always
like provide me with lots of really good
challenges and learning opportunities.
So yeah, six years later.
Christian: Yeah, well, I guess
that's what it's all about, right?
It's just, if you're not feeling
challenged or if you don't feel that
you've got, if you don't feel like you're
growing, then you're much more likely
to jump, ship and go somewhere else.
So, um it had been a piece
of advice for employers.
If people are leaving too often and
try this, if you haven't tried it yet.
Megan: Oh, I was just going to
say in this design, this was
such a curious bunch as well.
So you got to kind of keep that
you can't have people get bored
and feel as though they just can
either too comfy in their roles.
So yeah, if you want to keep
them, keep them learning.
Christian: For sure.
How have you found that transition
from customer support, answering
emails and all that to actually.
Doing the work of a designer.
How was that for you?
Megan: Oh, well, because I, , because
I had studied design and I was
also working, um, in my own time
as quite an active artist as well.
So I was always doing creative work.
Um, It just felt really nice to be able
to take the learnings that I had had
from speaking with our customers on the
phone, and then later answering their
emails and then trying to solve some
of those problems through the interface
and understanding like the needs that
they had from my first, um, firsthand
experience being in customer support.
So it was very different to go
into more of a design kind of role.
It was definitely a gradual transition,
but it prepared me so well with that,
uh, solid foundational knowledge of who
the customers are from kind of spending.
A long time talking to them
directly in customer support.
Christian: Yeah, I can
imagine that was a w.
When you have the polls, the finger on
the polls, isn't that what it's called
when, uh, when you, you know, you talk to
customers at all times and you get into
that mindset and you build that empathy
for whatever it is they're going through
on a daily basis, then you're also much
more motivated to solve those problems.
In whichever other role you are,
whether you're a designer or a even
developer, sometimes I've I've had
in the past, developers brought
into usability testing sessions.
And as soon as they've seen
what was going on, They became
advocates for better design.
You wouldn't think that, right.
So I'm sure having the finger on the
polls has helped quite a lot since then.
How have you seen, well, first of all,
your role as a designer and later on
as a design leader, but also the role
of a designer in general, you know, if
you've been around for 20 odd years, how
have you seen that change and evolve?
Megan: Oh, That's a really good question.
I feel as though I'm also my expectations
and understanding has changed
quite a bit over that time as well.
And I think that that's through the
experience that I've gathered and
just general kind of maturity and
a life of my working life as well.
I guess when I go back to the early
days of my career, Compared with
now, I certainly said design so much
more as a role where facilitation
is just so important and it's, uh,
bringing others along the journey,
uh, your communication skills as well.
So not only your visual communication
skills, but also able to kind of talk
about your design rationale or perhaps,
uh, explain in various different ways,
the problems that you're trying to solve
with your design to your colleagues as
well, and get them on board with why this
is an important problem to solve too.
So I think.
Uh, it's kind of changed for
me and I've got more of a
well-rounded understanding of it.
I don't know if this is so much
change throughout the gears
fundamentally, uh, for everybody, but
certainly my perception has evolved
Christian: for sure.
Aspects of design that I've noticed
has evolved, not even in the past
20 years, maybe in the past 10, is
that we're having more conversations
around the importance of design when
it comes to affecting the bottom line.
Tricks design is just
a driver for, for what.
The business needs to be done
more so than what it used to
be in the beginning, I guess.
Just, can you put some CSS on it says
on this HTML to make it look nice.
So I would assume, and please correct
me if I'm wrong, that on a daily basis
for you, that is a very big part of
what you're, you know, empowering
your design team to do what you
maybe do at the high level as well.
All these talk.
How design affects the business affects.
Can it be a positive, not
only unnecessarily negative.
So is that, is that, am
I correct in assuming.
Megan: Yeah, absolutely.
And I think that there's also something
really special that people with the
design skillset and I guess the,
the way that our brains can kind of
be programmed to solve problems and
look to simplify things as well.
We can help with some pretty gnarly
business problems too and that's just
through our design thinking and our
human centered design approach which
is very different to, well, certainly
at my level, like very different to
my peers who could be like the head of
marketing, head of finance, et cetera.
Um, so it's a very important skillset
as well to have kind of in their
senior business conversations.
Christian: How do you empower your
teams to do that on a daily basis?
Because again, design, historically
speaking hasn't necessarily
been thought of as a business
function, but it is today.
So whenever someone joins your
team or whenever someone is
already there and has to deal with.
Business problems and
solve them through design.
How are you there to support them?
Megan: Um, look, I would try to help
remove any blockers that they may have.
Of course, I feel like that might
be a pretty standard answer, but
it's also helping them understand
the work that they're doing and how
that fits in with our company goals.
why that's important, how strategically
that kind of helps our business.
And of course, uh,
importantly, the end users.
So for us at 99, it's both our
designer community and the clients.
And so like helping them
connect the dots to,
Christian: And I would assume
again, that's at the level you're
at, you're also doing a lot of work
that is not really visible per se.
First of all, you're not
pushing pixels anymore.
You're sitting in meetings
sometimes you're evangelizing for
design, maybe you're as you said,
you're trying to remove blockers.
So I know that running a design
organization consists mostly or heavily
of work that no one really sees.
Can you talk a bit about that and
how you found that transition from.
pushing pixels to having to
Megan: do that.
Oh yeah.
I so much like we do a weekly
stand up in the design team.
I mean, asynchronous to service
slack, and sometimes I think why
don't, what can I write here?
Like, because so much of the stuff that
I do is sort of behind the scenes it's in
meetings, stuff like that but, uh, yeah.
So what was the question?
The transition
Christian: was that.
Tell us about all that work that
you have to do behind the scenes.
That's the challenges of that?
Megan: Yeah.
Well, first of all, it's
getting your head around.
This is also work it's like, especially
as you change roles as a designer
and as you kind of move into more
leadership and management roles, that's
the understanding that while I may
not be in Figma all day, I'm still
actually doing work that's legit.
And that could even be meeting someone
for a coffee because perhaps I'm trying
to network with them because maybe I want
to hire them in the future or understand
how they run their team and all of that.
So it's a reframing of.
Is what is work, uh, in a different role
and a lot of the things that I'm doing,
I'm looking at hiring a design ops person.
A lot of the stuff that I do
is a lot of design ops things,
thinking around our teams, uh,
progression in that career ladder.
We're rolling out and
your review process soon.
So I'm already kind of looking
at everybody in a spreadsheet and
ensuring, um, Like that we are
looking at everybody's salaries fairly
and have the right classification
for people, whether they're a mid
wage, a senior, a lead product
designer, UX researcher, et cetera.
So kind of like a lot of the
maintenance around running the.
Also looking at all of our team
rituals and looking to revisit,
and re-energize them just today,
we met through our engagement
survey results as a design team.
So I collated all of that information,
prepared the slide deck, and
then walk the team through that.
Um, and so on.
So these are all kind of more
like opposite as many types of.
That I'm doing, but then also within
the senior leadership team, I'm there to
represent design and really be an advocate
for the people that we're designing for.
So our clients and designers at
the most senior level conversations
within the company and bringing the
perspective from those end users
into those conversations as well.
And trying to ensure that my peers
within the senior leadership team
actually understand truly what some of
the core pain points of our end-users.
And that we're accounting for that,
like, you know, quarterly product
planning and things like that to,
Christian: yeah.
Probably working for 99 designs
is very different because it is a
design led company in a way, because
it's mission is it's designed, uh,
evangelize design, if you will.
But, um, I have a.
An experience working in a
company that's less design led
much less than not even tech led.
It's just very, very old fashioned.
And in that case, I found our director
of design to be so important for us
kind of on the ground, because he would
be there taking all these battles.
And allowing us to do the work
that we're do because he would
kind of shield us from it.
And whenever we would go into these
meetings with senior stakeholders, he'd
be there with us to kind of support.
And, and he just knew how to
frame design in much better
way than any of us ever could.
So he was such a fundamental part
of us being able to do great work.
Because he was the translator translator
of design for the business people.
So, um, maybe for you, it's that
part of the job is not that necessary
there, but I assume in other
organizations, um, it very much is,
Megan: oh yeah.
I mean, it still does come about as well.
One of the.
Conversations that I feel like I'm
always having is, uh, so we've got
a team, uh, Kodak delivery systems
team, and, um, that's also where
our design system work is housed.
And I do feel as though I'm constantly
having conversations about why we have
to have two designers within that team
and kind of translating the work that
they do into the same realms as well.
It's just as important for
us to be focusing on our own.
Tooling for our design system,
as it is for an engineer to be
working on a tooling for their
engineering counterparts as well.
So of course, we're going to have
more than one designer thinking
about our design system, right?
So it's like a bit of translation
in that kind of regard as well.
Then I'm doing,
Christian: for sure.
You mentioned earlier, you
working asynchronously in your.
Megan: Uh, yeah.
Christian: to, yeah.
Trying to, how are you finding that?
How are you finding working
with designers generally with
product teams, asynchronously?
Because that's a relatively
new way of working.
Megan: Yeah.
We've been trying to
do an organizationally.
For a little while and now it's
certainly not strictly asynchronously.
Um, and so for instance, we've just had a
meeting today with the entire design team
and that was so we could also have like a
bit more of, uh, in-person interactions.
Um, it has been really challenging though.
And one of the things that we need
to get better at is the discipline
of just trying to view calendars
in a slightly different way.
So if someone has some free time
in their calendar doing the air
quotes, uh, so to speak it's not
really an opportunity for them to
just be ready and available for me.
Like, we need to respect giving
people that time to kind of do their
work, have focused time, as well
as, you know, watch whatever loom
video someone's recorded, read the
document or write the thing as well.
It's still like definitely a work in
progress and it's been a hard kind
of transition for us, but I think
something that I'm really keen to
continue to work on improving because.
I just think we can't go back
to the old way of working.
We're definitely not going back to
being into the in the office from nine
to five or whatever your hours may be.
So it's all changed.
Christian: What we're doing at uptime is
we have, because we're also in a way where
all at the same time zone, but I'm not.
So I'm kind of very far
away from everyone else.
So what we're doing is
that we have meetings.
We have a block from meetings in
morning, UK time, which is kind of.
Late afternoon for me.
And then anything around that,
they get their time to actually
do work to the focus time as
we call it in their afternoon.
So UK afternoon time.
In in my time, in the morning.
So, so it's having that time to say
this is when we usually meet and if you
have meetings, put them roughly in this
block of 3, 4 hours here and everything
around that is is more your time to work.
And we're finding that to be such a good
way of working because it allows creative
people to have focused time to do creative
work, which I remember in the office was
always such a challenge because if someone
wants 10 minutes of you then there's
lunch, then someone's leaving early.
So they need to have a meeting
with you now or all of that.
You would never get.
I don't, I don't even remember how
it would get work done in the office.
It's like, I'm a very, uh,
easily distracted person as well,
and a very visual person too.
So I don't know how, as they
concentrate at a desk with people
around me in the office back then,
Well, I'm certainly
not going back to that.
I know a lot of people want to,
but I don't, I'm not one of them.
I'm happy the way it is right now.
You've been with 99 designs for six years.
You said, and that's quite a while.
And I also know that in the past
six years, there's been quite a
lot happening for the company and
acquisition in this period as well.
Not only just day-to-day work, but
I can assume that an acquisition.
Is a big deal.
So how have you seen design help
throughout these many years that
you've been there, help the company.
Megan: Yeah.
I mean, it's, it has been a full long
journey over these past six years design.
Um, one of the things that we've done
within the design team that has been
such a game changer was introduced a
dedicated UX researcher into the team.
And so I hired our first researcher,
um, a little over two years ago.
And having, even though.
Design team back then.
So we were about maybe five or six
people,, at that so it felt like
the designer to research a ratio was
probably a little bit luxurious, but,
uh hiring a dedicated researcher just
really helped us as a company where we
want to be very close to the end user.
We all work at 99 designs because
we really want to make life
better for designers around the
world who using our platform.
And it just made somebody.
Full time job.
I actually able to help, um, bring
people closer to our end-users and
organizationally, that was huge because
it meant that we were doing like
regular interviews with our clients and
designers were able to bring in their
conversations into many more strategic
company conversations and also just have
more of a dedicated research practice and
prioritize that heaps more than we ever
did in the past, because prior to hiring
a dedicated UX researcher, it was the UX
designer who was expected to kind of fit
that in amongst everything else as well.
So sometimes they would like
skimp on that a little bit to.
The priorities and timelines
and all that kind of stuff.
And these days we have a research
team of research manager.
We've got four UX researchers and
a research ops person as well.
So we've been able to really up the
ante on that because it's been such a
huge benefit for us organizationally.
So that's kind of helped, um
The underlying thing is, uh,
it's actually bringing some real
data to our design work as well.
And so it is qualitative
information, but it is actually
factual information as well.
We've spoken to all of these people,
they find this really difficult to use.
We should do something about it rather
than just a designer saying, Hey, I think
that usability on this is a bit crap,
Christian: right?
Since you have so many researches,
I would assume you have a monthly,
weekly by weekly cadence of talking
to users, or does it happen more on
an ad hoc basis whenever it's needed?
How does that work?
Megan: Um, so we have researchers
work with all of the different
projects that are ongoing, and we
also hire designers who have skills
in research in their own right.
But what we've been doing is our
product management team are also
fantastic when it comes to wanting
to get out of the building, so to
speak and to talk to our end users.
And so they have really helped champion
a continuous discovery process.
And so what that means is every single
week we are having conversations with
clients and designers and getting to
understand about what makes them tick.
What's working well, what's not working
well and so on with our platform.
And so this is.
Every single week without fail
across our four different groups.
So we've got 12 different teams.
They're all getting that
exposure, which is really awesome.
Christian: Yeah.
How does, if, if you're doing this
every single week for every single team,
there must be such a massive challenge.
Collating all that data and
doing something with it because
by the time you're trying to act
on something, the next cycle the
next week is, is here already.
So how does your team taking all
of that customer information and do
something with it in a meaningful way?
Megan: that is a challenge as well.
So the team, um, Like whoever it is.
So we rotate, who's meeting the
people who's taking, uh, who's
the note-taker as well, but they
are kind of blogging about this.
We use confluence as our
central like organizational hub
for all of this info as well.
So they're posting a link to the
recording, any salient points they're
kind of putting in there in confluence,
but then we also use a research
repository tool, so where we're
uploading all of the recordings and
then we're actually taking them to so
we can do a lot of secondary research.
So if we actually
thought, Hey, we want to.
I don't understand this
particular part of the experience.
We can go into, um, our research
repository tool and then search
for those particular keywords.
So it could be like the brief crafting
experience from client's perspective.
And then we can find all
those snippets as well.
So we're kind of doing it.
It's not perfect, but we're doing
it in a way that is kind of thinking
about, Hey, this is a massive
information that we're getting.
How can we make it more accessible
for anyone, uh, in the future within.
Christian: Uh, what's that, uh,
repository you're talking about.
Megan: very useful, uh, at the
moment we're using a dovetail,
but that may be changing.
Christian: right?
I've heard about dovetail.
At uptime we're using.
Notion for everything.
And I, I personally find it to
be well it's one of those tools.
That's good for everything, but
not great at anything in a way.
I think a research proposed
story would be really.
Yeah, you've just reminded me of something
very important that I have to do later on.
Megan: Yeah.
We've been using dovetail for awhile.
Um, we may be looking at a different
tool where we can like put in
other bits of information as well.
So we use Zendesk for all of our
customer support and designer support
calls, and correspondence, and a
tool like enjoy H Q, um, can kind
of pull it all into the one spot.
So that's where we're probably.
Christian: How does the rest of your
product team fit into this research?
Because I get it designers and
researchers, there is their
job, but you know, developers,
product manager, testers.
Are they involved in
Megan: any way?
So the product managers are the ones
who have really been, um, helping
spearhead this continuous discussions.
Approach, uh, which is really awesome
and a breath of fresh air as well.
So there's that from the product
management side, but then also, because
we do have so many opportunities
to attend an interview with a
client or a designer, we'll do some
other kind of research session.
We really do approach it as a team
sport and put the requests out there.
Hey, tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM.
There's this particular thing happening?
Can anyone join us?
The note taker?
Try to, um, give as many opportunities
to a diverse set of people, throw
out the team and try to make it so
that everybody actually has that
opportunity within the different squad.
So our engineers very much involved
and sometimes like in the past,
there has been a little bit of
resistance from some people, but then.
My personal experiences, even if
I drag that person along and sort
of make them come along as a note
taker to sit in on that session.
After that, they're just a change person.
They always want to go to these sessions.
They're just like, oh my God,
I didn't want to come along.
But that was so awesome.
And I think it's seeing someone actually
interact with, or talk about the thing
that you built that is just such a
great feeling for like developers as
well as of course, the rest of us too.
Christian: For sure.
It's I was saying it earlier I've
had experience in the past with
the whole product team had to,
had to take a day off every week.
Not, not a day off, they all, from their
work to be in the observation room.
And then I would typically be in the in
the room with the the customer and the.
Their attitude changed so fast towards
the work we were doing to the point
where I remember times when we were
sitting in, in planning meetings and
they would come up with something
that I may be totally even forgot.
It's like, oh, but you
remember when this happened?
I think we should prioritize
this issue over this other one.
And I thought this well, first of
all, this makes my job easier because
I don't need to talk about design
and the customer all the time.
They are, they they get it.
But second of all, I think the moment
you build enough, trust that with your
team and the moment they see the value
of the work you're doing, they will,
are more likely to trust your gut
feeling or trust your your intentions.
Or if you say, Hey, I think we
should do this because X and Y.
They're more likely to say, yeah,
I see where you're coming from.
Let's do that rather than always
having to have these battles
and what do we prioritize next?
What's more important
is this, and it is that.
So I found that bringing the
product team to testing sessions.
It was a very useful
way of building trust.
And honestly, I thought of it as a team
building exercise, it really brings a
team together around one common goal.
So but with that being said and
where I'm actually going with
this is it takes such a long time.
To convince everyone to participate.
Because as a developer, as an engineer,
I just want to write code that's my job.
I don't care about that.
So you have to convince them somehow
to come to the sessions and then that's
it, the sessions sell themselves.
But how do you convince people whose
job is not to talk to the customer
to participate in the sessions?
Megan: It's a really good question.
I feel as though, I mean, people talk
and so once you've got one person
who's come along to one as well, they
can then talk about, we will always
run like every different product
development squad that we have.
They're running a retro
every two weeks as well.
So for sure, that's going to
come up as a highlight as well.
Went along to this interview.
It was awesome in different
conversations as well.
Like that was such a spread and
people might be getting, hang on.
Like, why did so-and-so
go to that interview?
They're raving about it.
I want some of that as well.
I'm kind of curious about that,
but I also know that, um, like
my peers really value that too.
And so it's coming from the top as, Hey,
it's really important for us to talk to
the people who are using our products.
Like the people that were actually in
jobs like to serve and that sentiment is
shared from my engineering counterpart.
So the leaders of the engineering
organization will always be encouraging
the engineering managers to be in those
conversations and to meet with end users
as well as then their team members too.
So it does kind of ripple throughout the
organization as well, but it can be tough.
Like I remember way back when,
when I was doing this in a
previous job and I was doing.
Like contextual inquiry
without, and Jesus.
When I was going to visit bookkeepers
on a weekly basis, it felt like I
had to bring some engineers along
with me kicking and screaming.
But like I would kind of talk to
them about, Hey, no, it's like,
we'll go for a coffee afterwards.
It's totally fine.
You don't need to do anything.
Just come along.
Like let's check out their environment
and have a conversation with them.
I was able to kind of bring them along,
but going back to what you were saying
earlier as well, this is like the part
of design where it's like, we are such
a, an influencer and it's all about
our communication and our facilitation
skills as well in doing this too.
Like this is a great tool for us and
kind of helping our teams, um get on
board without design work too, and
understand the problems we're trying to.
Christian: Yeah.
So I said at the beginning that
night-night designs is a household name.
Every designer, I think knows about
99 designs, but with such a big brand,
I can only assume there are so many
challenges because you are designing
for a global audience, how, how
are you solving those challenges?
And, well, first of all,
what are the challenges?
And then how are we
going about solving them?
Megan: Uh, yeah, there are a
lot of different challenges.
One of the things that we have on
99 designs is, uh, we do use English
has kind of like the, the central
language that we ask people to speak.
But then we also have localized side.
So we've got like a, a German site.
We have a Spanish site, French
language site, et cetera.
One of the things that would
really love to get better at is
the localization of all of this.
So if we take our German website, we have.
An office in Berlin.
So we actually do have a good, like
about 30 team members over there
who, um most of them can speak the
language and we would love to make the
experiences for someone in visiting our
site in Germany to actually then see
designing samples that are also in the.
NA native language.
And that makes sense as well.
We also want to use, like, if we're
ever to use an analogy in our marketing
material or something like that, we don't
want to say something as though it's like
a peanut butter and jelly, because even
as an Australian, I just look at that and
I think, well, that's not speaking to me.
I'm not American.
I don't go to jelly, you know, so to
try to also localize things to that
kind of level, and we've got heaps
of work to do, but I think at the.
At the design phase, we have a really
great opportunity to be able to affect
change in this area and have it feel
as though as a more localized and
personalized version of the site.
It's definitely not easy.
There are the things that
trip us up all the time.
One of them.
Oh, I was just talking to a designer
before this call and we'll talking about
rolling out some particular functionality
and we were under the impression that
we only needed to release it in British
pounds, but it turns out actually,
no, we need to release this thing
and have it available for different
locales, therefore different currencies.
And that's just so much
more engineering work.
We also then have to consider the
different needs of the invoices
that our clients will receive.
And then the.
Like we don't have some norms
around how we may handle rounding
with that currency as well.
Because of course we don't
necessarily want to display decimal
points because, uh I can look a bit
gross that we are a design company
and a design website as well.
And so then there are different
trade-offs of business decisions
with those things, like, hang on.
So if we're going around up or round
down, Who's going to take the hit.
Are we going to ask someone to
pay more money or are we going
to actually take a cut on that?
And how much will that kind of impact
our revenue organizationally as well?
Um I don't know.
There's just there's heat and then add
into it, our research approach as well,
and trying to research with a global
audience and that's kind of tricky too.
So we're looking at other areas
to improve in that regard.
Christian: Yeah, there's just so
much that off the top of my head,
I can think you mentioned currency.
You mentioned language there's
devices, the type of devices that
people have all over the world.
Not everyone sits on a, on a top spec
MacBook pro with the retina display
and not everyone has the latest iPhone.
But that doesn't necessarily mean.
If you don't have a great Mac book, you
can't be a great designer or on the other
side, that doesn't mean that if you don't
have the greatest iPhone, you don't have
a big company that needs design work.
It's a win-win if you design for a
global audience and you do it really well
because, well, first of all, Individual
contributors, freelancers who didn't
have access to a wealth of clients
worldwide, suddenly get access to them.
One on the same, on the other side,
it's the businesses that didn't
necessarily have access to great design,
great get access to great designers
from all over the world at different
prices, with different skill sets,
different design tastes and all of that.
And what that will do well,
obviously to the business.
That's, that's a positive, um, the
net positives for the business, but.
Because I truly believe design can
change businesses in a positive way.
What this does is that it, it gives
design, or it gives access to design, to
more companies all over the world that
maybe didn't necessarily have it before.
So I don't know how you're solving all
of these challenges and obviously there's
a million of them, but I can see that
if you get to a point where you are able
to do this really well, you can really.
Change, both on the freelancer
side and on the business side.
Megan: Yeah.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I'll also just mention that there
are some really lovely stories within
our designer community about how, um
even pre pandemic, like, because our
working on the platform, it actually
gave them different opportunities for
their own personal circumstances that
they wouldn't have had, um, in other.
Uh, instances and one of them is an
incredible illustrator on our platform.
he's one of my favorite illustrators
based in Indonesia, I was actually
trying to get him to come out to
Australia to meet with the team.
So we could kind of get to know some
of our designer community as well.
And he was quite reluctant to, and
I thought perhaps it was a challenge
for him because it can be quite
expensive and difficult to get a visa.
Um, yeah.
So there was that.
But, uh, through further conversation,
he actually said to me, look,
Megan, I don't speak English.
I rely on Google translate to
even send you this message.
I thought, okay, well actually we've got
like an Indonesian speaking team member.
Maybe they could be his personal
translator, further conversations.
He said, Megan, it's not going to work.
I'm deaf.
I was like, oh, okay.
Like, wow, you didn't
volunteer that information.
First up, you didn't need
to tell me that either.
It was just because I was kind of being
a pain in the bomb and trying to get
him to go to the Australian office,
but it's like, well, actually I wonder,
like, I'd love to learn more about that.
Um, and if that's like one of the
reasons why he chooses to work
through 99 designs rather than some
other kinds of opportunity as well.
So there's a lot of different little
nuances as well that are really nice that
it kind of within a designer community
and why they may choose to work on nine.
Christian: Just imagine that, I mean,
that's a disability and it's probably
harder for someone with a disability to
find opportunities than someone without.
So I can imagine how much the
platform means for this person,
because he earned a living through
this platform, despite all of the
disabilities that is suffering from.
So that's so amazing.
That should be a kudos to you
and the, and the team at 99 for
allowing the wider design community.
Make a living really.
So, uh, I, um I wanted to touch upon
something that you've said earlier.
You've said you've been with
99 designs, for quite a while
because it keeps you engaged.
You're learning.
It's a good challenge and all of that.
So I want to talk a little bit about.
The importance of doing work that
matters to you and the effect that it
has on you on your mental health, when
you're doing work, that doesn't matter
to you that much when you're doing
work that you're maybe not so keen on.
Cause I remember I worked on projects
before that I wasn't necessarily happy
or keen working on and that not only
affected the quality of my work, but
that affected my personal life too.
Personal life and life.
They are very much combined these days.
So let's talk about, this is how do
you feel about work that you're doing?
The work that you're doing is so
important to your mental health and
you should probably be doing work
that you're really passionate about.
Megan: Yeah, absolutely.
I think I would also say.
It's so important, but I also do
understand that sometimes somebody needs
to be able to make a living and the
opportunity that they have is perhaps not
something that they truly want to do, but
also I'm not going to judge them for kind
of doing that thing that I don't know.
Um, it may not be the sexiest or
the coolest job ever The hardest
truly in, but, um yeah when I think
about like past roles that I've had
and like directly before joining 99
designs, I worked for another company
who, um have the, I think it's the
largest real estate app in Australia.
And at the end of the day the kind
of users that mattered most to that
company were real estate agents
because they're the ones who are
paying the money to post those things.
And for me I felt really conflicted
because I wanted to create fantastic
experiences for people to be
able to find a house that they
absolutely loved and wanted to
either rent it or buy it depending
on the type of listing than it was.
But it just didn't sit well with me
and trying to then create the profile
picture of the real estate agent marketing
that property to be even bigger or to
have much more information featured
that was less relevant to the end-user.
So I felt as though there were times
where I had my own inner turmoil
around this and the company's goals
and priorities, and I didn't love that.
Prior to working there, I worked at.
And accounting software company.
And the way that I kind of kept
myself motivated with that was,
I would think of my dad as one of
our, in Jesus, because his Attunity
sweet, he's a small business owner.
And I would think about him kind of
getting frustrated when he was working
with this accounting software to do
invoices at the end of the week, and
may as a little kid kind of wanting to
talk to him or, you know, do whatever.
And yeah.
Going Megan, I'm on the computer doing
this stuff, and I wanted to make life
better for other kids in that instance.
And for someone like my dad, uh he was
pulling his hair out is his computer.
That was the way that I got to enjoy
working on accounting software.
I'm actually feeling as I was closer
to the and it was also a really cool
form design, but then working on real
estate apps, I was like, ah, I just
don't care for real estate agents.
Like no offense to anyone who's
a real estate agent out there.
But yeah, that like that it was kind of
a, ultimately a big reason why I left
and why I joined 99 designs because I
was excited to actually be able to relate
even more to a big part of our user base.
Christian: Yeah.
I find that.
Has better quality when you care
about the end user, rather than just a
paycheck you get at the end of the month.
So you've said you've said at the
beginning that there are some people
who maybe are not so fortunate or
don't have as many opportunities as
someone in the Western world, or as, you
know, we can find a lot of examples.
I think obviously that is true.
I also think.
A lot of the people who are going to
listen to this are maybe towards the
beginning of their careers, rather
than someone who's super senior.
And I also find that to be a bit
of a problem, because I would like
to argue that someone who's at
the beginning of their career in
today's design world is not very.
Very advantageous situation.
It is hard to get your first job, but
it's hard to get your, your second
job when you're a junior designer.
So let's talk a bit about that.
What's if you were to start today and I
ask myself that question all the time,
and I don't really have an answer for it.
If you were to start today,
how would you approach.
Megan: Oh, I haven't
really thought about this.
Uh, I mean, I've done quite a bit
of mentoring and I do I do encourage
people to a lot of the people that I
talked to through mentoring already
have some kind of jobs, they're not
kind of completely unemployed and I
encourage them to look for opportunities
within their current role and the
current organization that they work in.
Uh, I, I have a problem with the
thinking that so many people feel
as though they need to do some sort
of bootcamp or something like that.
And I think that this could be because
I'm from like a very much, um, yeah,
like I'm from a, not a particularly.
A wealthy family or anything like that.
I like hate the idea of having
to spend $10,000 on a boot camp.
Like for me, I'm like,
Christian: so who has $10,000
just lying around at 19 when
you want to start your career?
That's crazy money.
Megan: Yeah, absolutely.
And it hurts me to think that some
people talk about spending their
life savings on this kind of stuff.
And I just kind of think, well, maybe
it's because when I started it was.
It was a very different world as
far as UX goes, but it was like,
I was able to find opportunities,
internally through working in a call
center for bloody insurance company.
Like the most un-sexy
job, most boring stuff.
But like I was able to kind of.
You know follow my nose and seek
out those opportunities and kind
of show people what I could do as
well, and find my way with that.
So, um, I think be creative.
Don't just think that it's a
role that you need to apply for.
The officially has the job
title that you're looking for.
I worked for five years at that
insurance company, ultimately, and part
of the reason why I left was because I
wanted to have design in my job title.
I was a UX designer for five years.
And not coding UX designer as well.
And I think that so many people feel as
though, well, in order to get a foot in
the door, then like step one is get a job
title of maybe it's junior UX designer or
associate UX designer or product designer.
But maybe actually you could be
doing that work and you'd be, could
be called something else as well.
I think that we're quite
literal with this stuff as well.
And we could be a bit more creative.
Christian: Yeah, I think it's also down
to businesses and employers because
you, there is such a demand right now
for design, but you also got to think
that because there is such a demand
what there is there, the demand is
bigger than the supply for a reasons,
because I think it's it's not that
easy to get into the field today.
And I, I don't remember who this was,
but I had a conversation with someone
in the previous season of the podcast
who said, I think today is one of
the easiest times to get into design.
And I agree it's easier to compare to
maybe 15, 20 years ago because you have
a lot of free resources on the internet
to kickstart with and all of that.
But I, I think what is, what
is harder today is that the
requirements to get a job.
More difficult than 15 years ago when
nobody knew what design could do.
Oh, you can open Photoshop
and that's great let's see
what you can do versus today.
It feels like you have to be
able to do so many things just
to get a foot in the door.
So in a way it's easier, but in a way
I also find it to be a bit harder.
And I think it's also the
responsibilities of the responsibility
of companies to say to open.
To graduates or newer people who maybe
can't really do that much, but they're
willing to be trained and they have
the right soft skills and all of that.
So, yeah, it's certainly a two-way street.
I will be changing topics completely now.
So this we're going to move from
junior designers to something
totally different because.
I, uh, I've done sports for,
you know, most of my life.
Um, since, since I was four, really,
and I know that throughout the years,
I've been able to draw a lot of
parallels between my fitness journey
and my career, my personal life too.
But we're not, we're not
going to talk about that.
So I know you're a long distance runner.
So I'm wondering whether your fitness
journey has taught you anything
that you've been able to apply it.
Megan: Definitely.
Um, and I'll try not to talk too
much about running because I am
one of those people that when you
get me started, I always shut up.
Cause I absolutely love it.
But I do actually attribute one of the
reasons why I have had this staying
power at 99 designs, even through
some really tough times over the last
six years is through the marathon
running that I've been doing and the
training that I've been doing for that.
And so.
Uh, a big part of it is getting out there
in the rain, in the crap weather or in the
heat, whatever, getting it done, getting
your hours in with your training, but
then also, um, it's just like a lot of
resilience and grit that you're building
up through these different things.
And so for me when I think of the
toughest times that I've had at
99 designs, one of them being.
My peer, he goes to the director
of product at the time, got breast
cancer, and she wants to kind
of keep working through that.
And she kind of insisted on us
not getting a replacement for her
while she was working through this.
But also she really wasn't well enough
to be able to work during that period.
And so I had to not only bear
that the mental, like challenge
of someone who had been.
Someone that I really loved and a great
friend going through this horrible
illness, but then also seeing the impact
of all of that on her team, the product
management team, and trying to help
lead the product team through this.
And like those sorts of things.
Like when you're doing marathon training,
you kind of have to build this like
sticking power to be able to run for.
Let's face it.
Four hours nonstop is a
pretty hard thing to do.
And you build up a lot of
mental resilience, like so much.
Endurance training is just all in the
head and that, um, that for me has been
huge in helping get through some of the
big challenges and kind of weather the
storms and get through it, you know?
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Christian: Something that I've
learned through doing sports is
that good things take long time and
sometimes playing the long game is.
Wanting everything tomorrow because
in most of the sports that you, so I
recently started a Brazilian jujitsu
and I am absolutely crap at it.
You've got to be willing to be
shit at it for six months to a
year before anything good happens.
And in a way I think that whenever I
picked up what it was a new tool or a
new process, or whenever I joined a new
company and I kind of felt out of place
or anything like that and all this.
It always brought me back to the
idea of, you've got to be willing to
suffer a little bit, to get to the
good stuff on the other end and, and
nothing worth having, whether that's a
great job a great title, a good team,
nothing worth having comes tomorrow.
Everything takes more time than
ideally we would like to spend and.
I also run in circles here with
professional athletes and I find
the way they think about sports to
beat me in a way kind of similar.
They will never sacrifice the
longterm for the short term.
They'll never, you know,
go drinking a little.
To have a little bit of fun because
they know that that's going to affect
the next three, four days of training.
And I know those are professional
athletes, but what I'm trying to get at
is that idea of having a goal, looking
at it and then working backwards and
thinking well, in order to become
that in order to be able to lead
this team or to, I want to become a
director of design, whatever it is.
And then work backwards.
What do you, what are the steps
you need to do to get there?
So to me, that's what supports really
has taught me when it came to my career.
Megan: Yeah.
That, well, that is so true as well.
It does mean that you have to be
good at planning time management
as well to get in that training.
But, um, yeah, I like,
it's such a huge help.
Christian: I've also found that.
It's not something that you're necessarily
good at, but it's something that you have
to have around, which is the right people.
I've found that whenever you're on a
specific journey, which will require
sacrifice, which will require, long-term
thinking the people that you have around.
Can either, there, there are two types,
either the ones that will support you
and will understand all the sacrifices
and we'll be there for you or the
ones who will do things like, oh, I
just have one, it's just one beer who
cares or don't train today because you
can train tomorrow, stuff like that.
So I found that whenever you surround
yourself with the right people and
that's valid for work as well, not
only for sports for your personal life.
It truly accelerates your progress and
it allows you to reach your potential,
which is why I was saying, I think
right in the beginning, we were talking
about working with good teams and, you
know, building that trust and working
together with people, you'd like to
go for a beer with creating those
relationships at work can really be
a catalyst for better quality work.
I'm convinced of that because
I've seen it on myself.
Megan: Yeah.
Christian: You've worked in, uh, in
house for a few years, but you've
also worked in agencies for, uh,
for, for quite a while further back.
So I'm wondering, cause I've
done that I've done both.
And I'm wondering, what have you
found to be different between the
two in terms of your design work?
Megan: Yeah, I'm to clarify, like
I've worked in house much more than
I have in agencies, so I'm definitely
kind of more biased in that way.
What I've really loved about
working in agencies though, is
just that variety that you get.
And so I think that working
in-house, you sometimes maybe
get variety in different ways.
Um, uh, I also enjoyed it agencies.
Ever-changing group of people that aren't
worked with, like it be a different kind
of many teams within my agency peers,
or I feel be the only UX consultant
going to work with that client and kind
of be amongst an entirely different
team there as well as getting to have,
uh a good sticky beak at the moment.
Places as well, while I thought about,
oh, what I want to work for this kind
of company, let me check out their
office, let me see what their processes
are and get that kind of Intel as well.
But I definitely do prefer clients
side as kind of demonstrated by the
types of companies that I've worked for
and the jobs that I've, been holding.
But, uh, and I liked being able
to see something through from
such a finish so much more, I
think, depending on what changes.
You worked for the kind of work that they
do and you may get those opportunities,
but, it certainly does come about more.
So, uh, client side.
Christian: Yeah.
I found a it's interesting.
You said that because I found working
in agencies to be the best way to fit.
Where I want to work or what type of
clients, because that's experience
you get it through variety and
knowing where you want to be.
You get that through a variety of
working with different types of clients.
And, and also I think learning where
you don't want to work is just as
important and figure as figuring
out where you do want to work.
So to me, that's what agency
Megan: life.
I would also just add to that as well.
Whenever I'm hiring people, I
do have a slight preference for
somebody who has got a little bit of
agency experience in the next two.
And because you also get a whole bunch
of other things, including some really
great stakeholder management skills and
presentation skills and so on as well.
So it's a great feather to
kind of have in your cap.
Christian: Yeah.
Yeah, for sure.
Well, we always end the port cost in
the same way, wasted two questions.
we're about to be there.
We're almost at the one hour mark.
So, uh, the first question is
what is one soft skill that you
wish more designers would possess?
Megan: Um, we talked about
communication skills earlier.
I feel like.
Is really being taught to a lot of
people through their design education
and bootcamps and things like that.
So if I were to pick a different one, um,
I would actually say time management is a
soft skill that it would be great for us.
So all upskilled in, and it can be a real
pain point for some people, especially
when it comes to, you know, juggling
priorities and trying to do asynchronous.
Christian: Right.
Well, let's talk a bit more about that.
Cause I usually, these are five rapid
fire questions, but I found, I find that
interesting and surprising that you say
time management with w why do you find
that to be such an important, soft skill
to have in today's work environment?
Megan: Um, Yeah, for me, I am
thinking about our design team
retros and things like that.
And it does feel as though so much
of the pain that people are feeling
where they're not getting that focus
time, that they so greatly deserve.
They would be able to unlock some of that.
If they were actually brushing up
on some of their time management
skills and investing a little bit
more forethought in this area too,
and kind of looking at things.
You know, in a way that they can
actually take control of their time
a little bit more rather than just
kind of let things happen to them.
In that regard, I feel there's just
so much in the bucket of self skills
where I feel like I give designers a
bit of a thumbs up in a whole lot of
areas, just based on so many of the
designers that I made, I feel like
we do pretty well in a lot of them.
So I'm kind of nitpicking
a bit here with time
Christian: management.
I look, I do think that's important.
I think there's, what's also important
is especially when you're earlier in
your career and maybe haven't got that
experienced yet, but realizing that
focus time is so important for your work
because we're living in a world where.
We're easily distracted by what that's
devices or, you know, if anything
really, we have very short memory span,
attention spans, I memory expands.
And then you don't realize that getting
distracted and not being able to have
1, 2, 3 hours of focus work is actually.
To the quality of your work.
So the first step is first.
You need to know that that's important.
And then second of all is what
you said the time management.
How do you ensure that you
actually get that time?
And I think you also learned
that through experience.
Megan: Yep.
Christian: The last one is what's
one piece of advice that has
changed your career for the.
Megan: I don't know if this is so
much advice, but it was definitely
some feedback that I received from
a manager working at insurance
company, way back when, when I was
sort of having my first conversations
around design work with stakeholders.
And I remember I was.
Something about a particular
interface that an agency had created.
And I started to give my feedback leading
with our, I like, blah, blah, blah.
And my manager said to me, Megan, I don't
care about what you like, which kind
of took me a little bit by surprise.
I was like, oh my God, I'm in trouble.
Um, but.
I didn't care about what you liked.
Tell me about if this is going to work.
And I, so I've kind of taken that with
me and I've also given that feedback
in a different way to other people
within my teams throughout the years.
And it is so much more powerful
rather than say, I like this.
I, I don't like that.
Like, let's frame it as I feel as though
this would work, blah, blah, blah, or
would I, this kind of value, et cetera.
Uh, cause it's not about
your personal opinion.
This is business.
We're talking about.
If it is going to work, if it's
going to be in a better solution.
Christian: Yeah, for sure.
And I also think this reinforces
a point that we've made throughout
all of this, which is design impacts
businesses versus, you go to a museum
and you look at a portrait or picture.
And then you can say, well, I feel
like this or that, but rarely the
design that we're doing nowadays is
supposed to be about feelings and more.
So it's supposed to be about.
Why do we think this is working?
Will it work?
And what are the metrics we're
going to track to know if
it's going to work afterwards.
So I find that to be such an interesting,
I know he may be delivered it in a very,
uh, it was high, not sweet, but you
know, sometimes you you need to take a
cold shower, uh, very well, very well
received, cold shower to learn something.
So, yeah.
All right.
Thank you very much.
This has been amazing.
Where can people find you
get in touch with you?
You do some mentoring as well.
Megan: tell us all about that.
Um, okay.
So I would say you can
just find me on LinkedIn.
It's quite boring.
Uh, vats.
So search for me there.
Uh Megan has
links to all of the things.
So that's just my name,
Meg a N D E double L.
And I'm also doing mentoring
through ADP list as well.
And that's really about it.
I do have Twitter, Instagram, all
of those things, but, um, you know,
time management trying to get a bit
more focused time and not spend as
much time on all those extra things.
Christian: Of course.
We'll be putting everything in the
show notes so people can easily
find you and the, and the mentoring
sessions on ADP list and all of that.
So, Megan, once again, thank you
very much for being part of the
design, miss business journey.
I hope you had a good time.
I know I had a good time, a good chat
and uh, we'll, uh, we'll stay in touch.
Thanks a lot, very
Megan: much.
That was great.
Christian: That's so wrapped for today.
I hope you found this episode useful and
that you've learned something that you're
ready to implement at work tomorrow.
If you've enjoyed this as always,
it would mean the world to me.
If you'd share it with your
community, if you'd leave a review.
And of course, if you'd remember
to tune in for the next one,
Creators and Guests